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KOW: Twighlight Kin Chariot Rergiment

Update on where I am with the most fiddly part of the Twighlight Kin build, namely the TK Chariot Regiment.
This is fiddly because I'm being a cheap skate and only using one chariot when there really should be three. I have 3 but if this build works Mrs D could have 3 regiments at her behest rather than 1 and that's got to be good. I think.

Making the cab for the crossbow people.


The templates, I always make these, remember I may be making another 2 regiments some time in the future.

Making the runner/scythe thngy.

Fitting together.

Both complete.

Next the problem of how to attach them to the original chariot. Coffee stirrers of course.

What I listen to while I'm constructing, Matthew Colville.

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